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Ⅰ 听力(共两节,满分15分)
第一节 听力理解 (共10小题:每小题1分)每段播放两遍。播放前有5秒的阅题时间。
1. How long will the man stay in the hotel?
A. For one night B . For two nights C. For three nights
2. Which room will the man live in?
A . Room 309 B. Room 209 C. Room 109
3. Where does the woman want to go ?
A . To a friend’s house
B. To the man’s house
C. To her sister’s house
4. How will the woman probably get there ?
A. By bus . B. By taxi C. By subway
5. What does the man say about this city’s transportation system ?
A. The subway is the most convenient way of getting around .
B. The subway is the cheapest way of getting around .
C. The bus is the easiest way of getting around .
6. Why will the speaker put in new light fixtures ?
A. The old lights are all out of fashion .
B. The old lights don’t light up very well.
C. There are not enough lights in the room.
7. What will the new addition include ?
A . A family room and a dining area.
B. A living room and a dining area.
C. A doo